AB1945 Has Been Signed into Law

Congratulations to all of those that fought to get AB1945 passed by our State Legislature.
Assemblymember Rudy Salas is due the credit for helping push this bill through. In a statement posted on his website, he said:

This is a historic day for the thousands of emergency dispatchers who call California home, … For years, dispatchers have been misclassified under titles that do not reflect the importance of the life-saving work they perform every day. As wildfires ravage our state, the work of dispatchers coordinating our emergency response has never been more critical. I want to thank the Governor for signing this important bill and I hope that other states will join the movement to properly reclassify their dispatchers. Our country depends on the incredible work of our emergency dispatchers who are the first to respond during a crisis and the last voice we hear on the phone.

To read the full release, visit his website here (https://a32.asmdc.org/press-releases/20200914-california-dispatchers-become-first-responders-under-new-law)