The nomination drive for the 2020 Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, Intl. (APCO) awards is underway. This year, it is even easier to submit. All submissions will be done online through an E-Form available through the Chapter Awards page. Each year the No. CA Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials (No. CA APCO) is honored to recognize members of the public safety community who have demonstrated the highest levels of personal and professional conduct and performance in the line of duty. Nominations are currently being sought for the No. CA APCO awards program. Nominations are due to the 2020 Chapter Awards, Recognition & Scholarship Committee by Thursday, December 10, 2020.
The eight categories for the 2020 Chapter Awards, Recognition & Scholarship Program: Telecommunicator of the Year; IT Technician of the Year; RF Technician of the Year; Line Supervisor of the Year; Dispatch Team of the Year; Trainer of the Year; Communications Center Director of the Year, and The Preston Thomson Award of Excellence. Nominees must have been employed in the applicable category by a public safety agency at any time between January 1, 2020 and September 1, 2020. Nominations must be received by the No. CA APCO Awards, Recognition & Scholarship Committee no later than Thursday, December 10, 2020. Nominees need not be members of No. CA APCO or APCO International, but we always encourage new members!
All winners to be selected by the No. CA APCO 2020 Awards, Recognition & Scholarship Committee, and awards will be handed out in December. And, as in previous years, No. CA APCO is committed to submitting all nominations to APCO for consideration nationally. Of course you may submit your nominations directly to APCO. If you do, please send the Awards, Recognition & Scholarship Committee a copy for our records, that would be greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Awards & Recognition Committee.
Please visit the Awards page of the NAPCO website for more details and the application forms.