FCC Announces Implementation of Additional Security Safeguards for Users of FCC’S Commission Registration System (CORES)
On March 7, 2024 the FCC issued Public Notice DA 24-219 announcing the implementation of additional security safeguards for users of the FCC’s CORES. CORES is the FCC online system used to register and manage the FCC Registration Number (FRN) associated with agencies and FCC licenses. The CORES allows license managers to update user names, passwords and emails associated with the FRN.
Starting March 29, 2024 users of CORES will be required to undergo a two-step login authentication process each time a user logs into CORES. When accessing the system, the user will be prompted to request a six-digit secondary identification code that will be sent to the email address(es) associated with each user name. The user will be required to enter the code into CORES before they can continue.
The FCC recommends registrants confirm the have access to their Username Account E-mail and add a secondary e-mail address, if appropriate. The notice includes a link to the FCC article “Updating Your Username Account” for detailed instructions.
The full one page FCC Public Notice can be found here: DA-24-219A1.pdf (fcc.gov) or by searching for FCC 24-219.