Our Hearts are with those in Newtown, CT

The tragic events of Newtown, Connecticut have affected many around the country, and world, but no one more so than the residences of that small town.

Or hearts go out to those who lost family members and loved ones. We may never understand why this tragedy happened, but we can be sure that everyone in the public safety communications community feels their loss, and send their thoughts and prayers to everyone affected.

Protecting children is a top priority for everyone in the field of public safety. The members of the Northern California Chapter of APCO International mourn the loss of those small children and the educators who worked hard to protect them and love them. We honor those who risked their lives and saved countless more with their swift actions and without forethought. We understand that heroes don’t always wear badges, or respond to 9-1-1 calls. Those teachers that helped save the lives of those they had stewardship over will forever be heroes. They went above and beyond what was expected of them and for that they will always be remembered.

It has been passed onto us from our friends of the Atlantic Chapter of APCO, that any and all condolences be sent to the town director of communications:

Maureen A. Will
Director of Communications
Town of Newtown
3 Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470