Upcoming NorCal APCO Operations Breakout Sessions

The July Operations Breakout Session has been set! Jordan Elliston from ECaTS and Alicia Fuller from the 9-1-1 Branch will be talking about the latest changes and up-coming features of ECaTS Business Intelligence and Analytics platform.

Our August meeting will feature Paul Troxel talking about Placer County’s Hosted 9-1-1 Solution giving the morning keynote presentation, and for the Operations Breakout session, Lynn Bowler will be talking about what’s happening with ProCHRT.

We still have opportunities for presentations at the June, November and December chapter meetings! If you have some knowledge to share, or know someone who could make a presentation on the below topics or something new, please contact Chuck Berdan – smokeaterconsulting@gmail.com to schedule!

Nor Cal APCO possible meeting topics:

  • Disaster planning
  • Future tech impact on public safety
  • Lesson learned -critical incident
  • Liability of call taking
  • Human Trafficking
  • Logging impacts on court cases
  • Impacts of NG911
  • Cyber security in the PSAP
  • Swatting