There are some big events coming up, especially here at our monthly chapter meetings. First off, be sure to attend July 11 in Cordelia when John Facella, SR VP of RCC, a well-respected consulting authority on all things public safety communications, will provide an update on legislative and regulatory developments, including the current affairs of the FIRSTNET project.
Then in August, the venue is so large, that we had to move the date to a Friday. We will be meeting aboard the distinguished USS Hornet, and look forward to an informative keynote presentation from Barry Fraser, General manager of the BAYRICS Joint Powers Authority, who will enlighten us on the progress of the BAYWEB network project as well as FIRSTNET, various P25 radio networks, and other general developments of the largest public safety networks under construction in Northern California.
Please note that we found it necessary to change our meeting date to Friday, August 9th in order to adapt to the availability of both the Hornet and Mr. Fraser and we appreciate your understanding. If your business or responsibilities include wireless public safety broadband, FIRSTNET, or LTE band 14, then you will not want to miss these two chapter meetings. Invite a friend or colleague and arrive early!
The August meeting is going to be very exciting; can’t wait for the tour!