The quarterly 9-1-1 Advisory Board Meeting was held on Thursday, June 7, 2018. Below is an overview of that meeting. A video of the complete meeting is available on the 9-1-1 Branch website:
Legislative Update:
Trailer Bill Language regarding 911 sustainment was presented to change the funding model from percentage to flat fee rate. Seeking agreement from both the Senate and Assembly. Proposal to upgrade state microwave network CAPSNET contingent upon passage.
Next Generation 911 Congressional Caucus. CALOES will provide an update of NG911 progress in California at the end of the month. Budge Currier will participate in a luncheon with the California Congressional Democrats which is tied into new caucus development as a result of fires. (Natural Disaster Caucus)
First Net Update:
6.5 billion to assist in development, design and work with identifying coverage gaps in California. There is no requirement that agencies subscribe. Priority pre-emption with first responder communications, ongoing updates with needs and priorities identified to emphasize what services, 4G LTE coverage, how to address gaps, and the California Department of Technology to develop content by August to be used to define cost services.
Emergency Communications Update:
28,129,927 calls were received in 2017, 80% were wireless calls and about 18,200 text messages were received.
Wireless cell sector routing to the correct Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) goal is to identify reroute by the wireless service providers within the next 12 months.
Fiscal and Operational Review:
9-1-1 Branch advisors plan to visit PSAPs every 3 years minimum or once every 5 years during the Customer Premise Equipment cycle.
There are two contacts working each in different status in NE. California Public Utilities Commission – Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN), which is a type of regulatory compliance certification for public service industries that came after the contract release. Tariff in place for 9-1-1 services. NE: ROI (vendor still in process)
Selective routers defined in tariff. NG911 – how to get selective routers to get information to the ESI Net.
Text to 911 Contract has been extended. Link tariff world and contract world. Funding almost plugged in based on budget July 1st.
State regions:
Regional Next Generation Core Service in 4 regions. Prime will route calls as an overlay creating another layer of redundancy. Framework in place to understand the vision. Tariff guidance is on the website.
Regional Task Force:
The Long Range Planning Committee’s main focus and charters approved. 8-10 representatives will be selected across various size PSAPs from each of the 4 regions. Central and L.A. areas need additional PSAP representatives. Contact Andrew Mattson or Budge Currier for further information. or
Text to 9-1-1:
159 PSAPS have deployed thus far. 81 PSAPs have selected their Text Control Centers. Contract extended to 2020. PSAPs can choose any solution – all have been tested and work. 45 PSAPs still need to submit their Text to 911 plan. 211 have chosen Commtech and 29 have chosen an integrated solution. Contact Chereise Bartlett at Emerging Technologies NG911 Services (916) 657-9235 for assistance with Text to 9-1-1 deployment planning.
My term as your 9-1-1 Advisory Board representative has begun with this June meeting. I will do my best to represent Northern CA APCO and CPRA. I plan to nominate and appoint Charles Berdan to continue serving on the Long Range Planning Committee as our representative. I am embracing this opportunity and look forward to future meetings.
Until next time,
Brenda Bruner