The Advisory Board met on September 28th at the CA OES Headquarters in Mather, CA. Here are the highlights:
- Legislative Update – the Legislature has recessed until January. Bills of interest to public safety communications include AB 375, which is now a two-year bill and may be brought back up in committee in 2018, and AB 1665 and SB 649, which were approved by both houses and are on the Governor’s desk for signature.
- Wireless Deployment – Sacramento PD has agreed to start handling wireless 9-1-1 calls, and are in the process of creating a deployment plan. Stanislaus County and Oakland PD are in progress of completing the project, anticipating completion before the end of the year. Atherton PD is the last PSAP that is not accepting wireless 9-1-1. Mr. Currier will be talking to Atherton.
- First Net – the Final State Plan to deploy a public safety broadband network is being reviewed and will be submitted to the Governor in the October/November timeframe. The Governor has until December 18th to make a decision to opt in or opt out.
- Text to 9-1-1 – a total of 90 PSAPs now provide Text to 9-1-1 services. An additional 105 PSAPs are in some stage of implementation. The 9-1-1 Branch are working on a plan to standardize which TCC solution will be supported by the State. PSAPs that have already selected the TCC that will not be the approved TCC by the State will have a period of time to convert to the approved TCC.
- Wireless Routing – the 9-1-1 Branch continues to coordinate the analysis of cell sector routing, reviewing 142,306 sectors in 9 counties for the 2nd quarter of this year. This resulted in 15,591 sectors being rerouted to the more appropriate PSAP. The work is on-going.
- The 9-1-1 Branch is continuing their Fiscal and Operational Review Status (FORS) project, which basically is having the 9-1-1 Branch visit and review each PSAP in the state at least once every five years. They completed 33 FORS from May through September of 2017, exceeding their goal of 30 PSAPs each quarter.
- Foreign Language Translation – the contract for Language Line expired in September, but the 9-1-1 Branch is working on an extension through March of 2018 so they can get a new bid process in place.
- Contracts – the 9-1-1 Branch is working on contracts for NG9-1-1 and Text to 9-1-1.
- NG9-1-1 – the 9-1-1 Branch completed 7 town hall meetings on NG9-1-1 in July, with 358 people attending. The ESINet plan has changed slightly, with LA City and LA County now in the same region, and Orange County moving to the Southern Region. For more details and a map of the regions, see the 9-1-1 Branch’s website. The cost for implementing NG9-1-1 over the next six years will result in an annual increase of just short of $40 million over today’s costs. The schedule at this time is to have all PSAPs up on NG9-1-1 by mid-2021.
- SETNA – The 9-1-1 Branch is still working on SETNA funding legislation. The SETNA fund will be out of reserves in the 2018/2019 fiscal year, so if there is no new funding, NG9-1-1 will be delayed.
- CPE Contract – a new contract for CPE upgrades is now in place. Any PSAPs who were waiting for the new contract should be contacting the 9-1-1 Branch.
- 9-1-1 Operations Manual – the 9-1-1 Branch has made some changes to the manual to support the CPE Contract, add hosted solutions, refined incremental costs, and supporting Text to 9-1-1 deployment.
- The next Advisory Board meeting is scheduled for December 14th.
As usual, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.
Chuck Berdan