The October General Membership meeting of the Northern CA Chapter of APCO was held at the California Highway Patrol Headquarters in Sacramento. NAPCO thanks our vendor sponsors, EnerSys and Cassidian for their continued support to bring you quality presentations, and information regarding their equipment to support California’s public safety agencies, and to our host – California Highway Patrol. NAPCO proudly posts our vendor sponsors’ presentation on the website; please be sure to visit
Pursuant to the amendments made to the No. CA Chapter of APCO Bylaws and Constitution that were approved by the General Membership in June, the Treasurer, Jackie Andrews, presented an updated Budget for 2014. The Board made some minor increases to the budget for training and is happy to report that the Chapter has a sustainable budget to carry forward to the new Executive Board which contains no deficit spending.
The Board has also adopted a proposed general meeting schedule for 2014; the Executive Board will make final approval of the meeting schedule at its annual Organizational Meeting in January and publish the schedule on the website. All-in-all every consideration as to location and venue cost has and will continue to be in the best interest of the entire membership body.
The Board presented a Resolution to Amend the Bylaws and Constitution in September and took an official vote at the October meeting. The Resolution presented would increase the number of Directors serving on the Executive Board from five (5) to six (6). The Resolution failed to pass by a vote of those eligible members present and voting. Therefore, the Bylaws and Constitution will not be amended, and the number of Directors on the Board will remain at five (5).
Official nominations to fill a total of four (4) positions on the Executive Board – three (3) Director positions and the position of Vice President – will be taken on the floor at the November 14th meeting in Marin. These positions are open to all general members of the No. CA Chapter of APCO. If you are interested in serving on the Executive Board, please contact either Scott Andrews at or Angela Azevedo at A vote by the general membership on all nominations will be conducted at the December General Meeting and Vendor Tabletop in Concord.
EnerSys provided a video from their battery production plant in Missouri and answered questions from the general membership. We are sad to report Cassidian representative Richard Pascua was unable to present at our meeting due to circumstances beyond his control, and send our thoughts and well wishes.
CHP Information Management Division Chief Lori Young presented an overview of the Department’s participation in various statewide incidents over the years, and Lt. Aaron York gave a PowerPoint presentation and timeline of the CHP’s radio communications systems throughout the Department’s history, and where the CHP is going with the development of new technologies. The CHP has made significant changes to their radio communications systems – from their gateway capabilities to their Consolidated Patrol Vehicle Environment (CPVE) – the Department looks forward to full cooperation and participation with its allied agencies.
Be sure to put the November meeting on your calendar! The meeting is being hosted by Shelly Nelson and Marin County on Thursday, November 14th. We look forward to seeing you there!